
Cello Fingerboard Position Markers - Don't Fret and First Fret

Solid sheet finger position markers that won't move or buzz! Don't Frets have half steps and upper positions for more advanced players, and First Frets are perfect for beginners...read more

SKU: _FCello-


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Don't Frets have positions and half steps for more advanced players and shifting into upper positions.

First Frets are simple, and perfect for beginners (1st, 3rd, and 4th fingers only).

*These sheets must be ordered as the correct size for the instrument. No other measuring is needed. The solid fingerboard sheet shows correct finger placement based on the scale length. Unlike single tapes, these offer a flat playing surface with nothing to stick up that could cause buzzes.

Buffy recommends the full Don't Fret version for her cello students.

The shorter First Frets can be installed easily by most players (the longer Don't Frets should be installed by a luthier or teacher as it may be necessary to loosen your outside strings to ease the application process).

Also available for violin here and viola here



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Cello Fingerboard Position Markers - Don't Fret and First Fret

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